

Your firm is different from every other securities broker-dealer in the country. And what you need help with is different than what other firms will need help with.  I will not post a price list for services, since the services your firm needs from me may require more or less time than a one size fits all "standard". The regulators expect that one size will fit all; SRC does'nt work that way.
You tell me what you need. I'll provide you with a high and low estimate of your cost for the service or give you the option of a retainer arrangement if you need a variety of services throughout the year. SRC offers monthly, quarterly or annual retainer billings; you decide which payment option fits you best; pay as you go or a variety of retainer packages.
Your bill for ongoing services will arrive on the first day of a new quarter or the first of the month; you'll have no liabillities or prepays to carry. You can pay by check, wire transfer, or through PayPal. 
You and I will decide SRC's compensation.  You'll decide which payment plan fits your firm.






www.srccompliance.com | Copyright 2009